Budo-Seminar with Aoki Sensei

One week ago we enjoyed a deeply inspiring Kashima-no-tachi-Seminar with Aoki Sensei, Shiseijkan Instructer at the Meiji Jingu / Tokio. What kind of luck, we consider now the more, the fundamentals are! The fundamentals Aoki Sensei was kindly giving to as.
So we can profite now, in this time of self-awareness and solo-training due to the the Corona-Virus. Filled up with many ideas and experiences, such as: exploring center movements and inner spirals — twisted pelvis movements by gathering and releasing power — cutting and stopping a movement by center power, shoulder-blades and ellbow twisting — natural gripping and wrist-moving (avoiding an over-streching) — attacking properly in one movement without giving any sign — catching an attack immediately in a one-movement reaction.
Lets continue together, exploring these things in body and mind!


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